English as an Additional Language Courses


The Let’s Learn English module will focus on assisting learners to understand language that is used in everyday activities. Learners will increase their vocabulary, understanding of idioms and/or expressions and will increase their recognition of the written text used in everyday living. They will also be encouraged to attempt occasional writing activities.


The Learn English program is designed and focused on assisting adult learners to develop and improve in basic English language, with the opportunity to progress reading, writing, communication integrated with numeracy.


Learners in this course are adults of CALD backgrounds, with mixed levels of formal education and employment experience. The main focus of the module is for these learners to learn, develop and consolidate language and literacy skills, to enable them to access further study and employment opportunities in the future, and to increase the quality of community life.


The project Based Learning (PBL) approach is about learners identifying a driving question that, as a team, they want to explore further and research to find answers, information, and possible solutions. PBL is learner driven, as the teacher operates as a facilitator and provides the scaffolding to support learners on the learner lead journey of research around the driving question. The benefits of PBL are the ability for learners to drive the content of their learning around something that interests them with support from the teacher. It also incorporates a variety of academic and employability skills that learners can develop at their own pace during the module.

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